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Cello Chat with Host Dr. Benjamin Whitcomb and guest Suzanne Dicker

About the Episode 

This week I have a chat with cellist and proprietor of, Suzanne Dicker

Meet the Guest

I love music more than anything and I spent many years struggling in the dark trying to learn the cello. In the days before the internet and other helpful technological advances, I would practice for hours on end, causing injury to my spine, studying with teachers who either did not have my best interests at heart or who hadn't thought much about how to teach the cello or what is important for an individual student. Finally, when I was 28 years old, I began to study privately with Lowri Blake in London, UK and from then on, was blessed with many opportunities to progress. I have some credentials but they are much less important than my insatiable need to be a good teacher for my students so that they don't struggle unnecessarily. Cello is hard enough as it is! My reward is the joy I continually experience through seeing my students enjoy music while learning the cello.

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